* Welcome to the third person perspective of the end of my day. *
Kailyn laughs finishing up her conversation about Victoria's Secret's perfumes/body sprays with Katy and practically runs into the locker room. She sighs with relief that the bell still hasn't rung yet. Unfortunately as soon as she gets her top on, the bell rings which means she has about a minute to finish changing. After a super quick change and making it outside with 30 seconds to spare. For whatever reason Kailyn's gym class went outside and walked around the school.
Kailyn and Sydney came up with their Halloween costumes and what they were going to do for Halloween. Kailyn quickly realized that today was going to be a very hot considering she was gently sweating in short shorts and a t- shirt. After the really random walk around the school, Kailyn and her class went inside to the 3rd gym. Yes, the school has 3 gyms, a work out room, 2 football fields, a beach volleyball field, 2 baseball fields, a soccer field, a field hockey... field, and a track. When they got into the un- air conditioned gym,
everyone started sweating like crazy to, as Mrs. Gym-Teacher quotes, "insane workouts".
By the end of the gym class, Kailyn smelled, her clothes smelled, everything/everyone smelled. Everyone was also drenched in sweat. As Kailyn walked through the double doors back into the main gym dosed off in space, she turned to see *Dylan pulling off his shirt. Even though he was wearing a guy tank top (Guessing they're called that...) it was a sheer white one, so she could see his toned soccer player abs. She made a face similar to this one when she saw those delicious Italian washboards:
Luckily no one was watching when she did that. Unfortunately when she got back to Spanish class, that she has with Dylan and Maria, looking really awful. So when Kailyn ran into her sauna- like Spanish room, Dylan looked perfect by the only fan in the classroom with his luscious brunette hair blowing in the gentle breeze and Maria- who Kailyn thinks has a thing for Dylan- was sitting there perfectly like:
(Her looks almost saying, "Come in darling! Dylan's watching!")
And Kailyn ran in sweating like a pig, pretty sure her bra was sticking out, hair destroyed, make- up smeared, and faking a smile. In short it looked like this.
(Thinking: "Haha! Haha! I'm crying inside...")
Everyone just kind- of awkwardly stared as Kailyn awkwardly took her seat. Kailyn tried not to make much eye contact with people in her class. Luckily, during Kailyn's FCCLA meeting she made more friends. After her dance class one girl even complimented her, so Kailyn's day went pretty well after Spanish class. In fact, in her FCCLA meeting they were playing an ice breaker game where you had to ask questions in a circle and if you answered the question, repeated the question, or hesitated you were out. So, Kailyn had a guy and 2 girls who she was some- what friendly with. One of them as a joke asked the guy, "Did you have your period?" and he laughed so hard he got out. Then later this one girl as a joke was going to ask "Do you have a tampon?", but the girl before her asked if she liked pizza. So when she was about to ask her question it came out as, "Do you like tampons?" Hysterical. Well that's all for now. Till then,
Bless ya! Love ya!
Kailyn Wolffe
P.S. RIP Jamey Rodemeyer. Those people should have never bullied you to the point to make that awful decision. You were born that way little monster. Mama Monster is praising you now and helping your cause. Hopefully it will go far.