Saturday, October 1, 2011

"Suburgatory" Review

I loved Suburgatory! It was so cute. For all of you non- suburban people, here are some of the true facts. Some of them are quite shocking.

  • Puke colored houses- This was brought up when the main character Tessa saw the color of her new house. For whatever reason, suburban house contractors like the shades of puke.
  • Really quiet mornings- This was brought up when Tessa woke up and it was dead silent. That is too true. In my neighborhood, the loudest noises we hear are a garbage or recycling truck and that's only 2 days a week.
  • Mother, Daughter Mani Pedis- This was brought up when Tessa was stereotyping the suburbs. This isn' too popular for my age group, but when I was 10 or younger. It's more for fun then the status of it.
  • Frozen coffee drinks- This was brought up when Tessa was stereotyping the suburbs. I didn't realize this was such a big thing till this show. We have 3 iced coffee places in my mall! I love frozen coffee and drink it every time I go to my mall... which is a lot. Wow... I'm a stereotype!
  • Orange people with light blond hair- This was brought up when Tessa's dad reunited with his high school friend. A lot of people people have these orangy tans- some are natural oddly- and have light blond hair. I have blond hair, but it's natural. They didn't mention that girls also have almost black hair.
  • Texting without looking up- This was brought up when a girl fell in a pool while texting. Everyone does this in my school. Everyone.
  • Moms with boob jobs- This was brought up every minute. Not every mom has a boob job, but more than the average town.
  • Stay at home moms that drive SUVs- This was brought up every minute. I know a lot of stay at home moms that have SUVs. Not my family though, we have a mini van. (:
  • Energy drinks- This was brought up every minute. They specifically used Red Bull in Suburgatory, but only really guys drink Red Bull here. Most girls drink Monster. I don't drink energy drinks though. They're gross. And give you acne.
  • Lots of hair extensions- This was brought up when one of the suburban moms was showing off her daughter's room. A lot of girls in my school wear extensions, but I like natural hair.
  •  Flat ironed hair- This was brought up when Tessa was talking about one of the popular girls. Almost every girl in my school owns a flat iron. I have owned 2 of my own flat irons so far. There's just something about straight hair here...
  • Tiny clothes- This was brought up when they went to the mall. Everyone in my school owns a pair of short shorts. Gym class is like a Soffee shorts extravaganza. I probably get yelled at by my mom every day about my clothes being too revealing. Don't blame me. Blame the suburbs.
  • The "dad couch"- This was also brought up at the mall. At the mall there's always a couch outside the stores that the dad's sit on. My step- dad's favorite one is the one outside Forever 21.
  •  Everyone wears a push- up bra- This was brought up at the mall. It's hard to find girls wearing sports bras here. Most girls get their first push up after they get a training bra. I only really on push ups and a t- shirt bra.
  • Perverted boys- This is brought up when they show a- believe it or not- a perverted boy. True statement. Nuff said.
  • People give each other bras- This is brought up when a mom gives Tessa a bra. My friends and I do this all the time! I have probably 3 donated bras.
I hope you liked this post! That's all for now. Till then,
Bless ya! Love ya!
Kailyn Wolffe

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