Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 4 of Madness.

Hey everyone! It's Friday, Friday. Before I get started on today's school report, I would like to inform you guys about something. If you have a Youtube account- which I know my friends that are reading already do- you can create a "blogger/blogspot" account, so you can not only follow That White Girl but create your own blog! I believe under my "Followers" tab you can click sign in. Just use your Youtube sign in and the rest is self explanatory.
So since I was late for my bus yesterday, I had to get fresh and go downstairs by 7:30 to make it to my bus in time. By the time I get down to the bus stop, I had to wait there for 8 minutes until the bus came! It was upsetting that I left early for nothing. *Sigh* What are you going to do? When I got to school I saw my friends! My friend *Bianca has an older sister that's a senior at my high school, so she told me what times I should go to my locker. (We don't have set locker times.)
I took her advise and went to my locker before gym class... Too bad I forgot I hadn't gone to Lab Biology yet which is before gym class. So I ran from the gym to my class. In case you're wondering, my Lab Biology class is on the other side of the school... on the second floor. I just made it on the bell and ran into class looking something like this:

Luckily, Mrs. Lab Biology likes me and let me off the hook. Hopefully I'll never do that again. In actual gym class, I waited to get my blood pressure checked with my friends in the sauna of a gym. For the second day in a row I didn't get my blood pressure checked. In Spanish class I talked to *Dylan. What did I talk to him about? I gave him directions to get from the gym the Spanish room. Well, I'm going to my high school's first football game in an hour- it's not homecoming though....- so I'll probably post about that later. Till then,
Bless ya! Love ya!
Kailyn Wolffe

Happy Friday!!

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